The Best Modern Skincare Tips

Skincare is, in one sense, a very old science. This is simply because skin itself and a knowledge of what is good for it have been around for as long as people have. Beauty is as ancient as humanity, and there is actually no shortage of skincare tips that have been around for millennia, and which are still relevant today.

For example, there is the yoghurt and live oil treatment from Ancient Greece, which will still make for an effective face mask should you try it today. There is the ancient Egyptian practice of applying Rose quartz to the skin, practiced by Cleopatra herself, which finds a modern manifestation as part of many modern skincare formulas. There are the Ubtans from ancient India, face and body cleansers that lend a fresh glow to the skin – then and now. In other words, where skincare advice is concerned, we have lot of collective experience to draw on.

Modern Dermatology

And yet, almost paradoxically, skincare is also a cutting-edge science. Dermatology and modern medical expertise have developed all sorts of optimised skincare formulas and products known to improve the appearance and texture of the skin to no end. And we all use this combination of ancient knowledge and modern science every day – or at least we do if we have a regular skincare routine. These two bases of effective skincare should never be in conflict; in fact, they work best when they work together. Therefore, a skincare product can be both ancient in origin and dermatologically approved in a modern sense.

Unfortunately, though, there are many skincare products out there that are not dermatologically approved. When this is lacking, we can get into the realm of ineffective or downright harmful skincare products that are sold as being some ancient formula or another – or an effective skincare alternative. We need to be careful where this is concerned because, as we have already shown, there are many skincare products out there, based on very ancient or unusual formulas, which are still dermatologically approved. Remember, science and tradition can work together, and it is best to avoid any skincare product that cannot be validated by modern science – no matter what marketing spiel accompanies it.

Your Input

Of course, no matter how advanced modern skincare products actually are, there is still a good deal of input required from the user. Everybody knows there are such as things as “good skincare habits” and that there is no magic fix that can take the place of being diligent and regular when it comes to looking after your skin.

Here too, much of the wisdom is ancient. For example, staying hydrated all day in order to benefit your skin is a technique that has been known for hundreds of years. So too is common wisdom of not going to bed without clearing your face of makeup and other products. And exfoliation as a means of rejuvenating the skin goes back to the ancient Egyptians! Here, again, we see the winning combination of old and new.

Other New Technology

And when it comes to the cutting edge of skincare, it isn’t just modern dermatology that is combining with age-old skincare techniques and formulas to create the best skincare products. Some of these products have nothing to do with dermatology at all. Enter the skincare app.

We all know that a proper skincare routine is essential to make skincare products work properly, and unsurprisingly the organisational power of modern smartphone apps has been brought to bear on helping users keep up with their routines. However, these advanced apps are far from just a series of alerts and reminders.

These apps are, in fact, incredibly advanced and can make use of your phone’s camera to scan your face to detect signs of skin ageing, wrinkling, dehydration, and so on. With the use of artificial intelligence, it is then possible to have a personal skincare advisor carried around in your pocket! The advice given by these apps and programmed into their AI systems is, of course, dermatologically sound.

But then, such apps are not for everyone; and they do collect a lot of your personal biological data in order to advise and offer a skincare routine. One would hope that the range of tech start-ups responsible for this cutting-edge technology would easily pass a GDPR audit for UK start-ups. Given that they collect such a lot of personal data, this is certainly a concern that you might want to allay before downloading. Of course, there is no denying the efficacy of these apps.

Modern Skincare Tips

So, we have seen that skincare today is truly a brave new world of modern technology and cutting-edge dermatology working closely with the skincare wisdom of the ages. But while we are fortunate to have such tools in our arsenal, skincare remains a discipline. Here follows then the best modern skincare tips. Combine these with a judicious use of the best products and technologies and get ready for the best skin of your life.

Use the Correct Cleanser for Your Skin Type

The great diversity of skin types is that which makes dermatology such a broad field. Where your skincare routine is concerned, make sure you use the right cleanser for your skin. For oily acne-prone skin, go with salicylic gel or benzoyl peroxide; for dryer skin, a moisturising glycolic or a milky cleanser is the way to go. Cleansing your skin is the first stage of skincare, so it is important to get this right.

Do not Use Too Many Products

No matter what they are, dermatologists always advise against layering on a range of different skincare products. Always avoid doing this, as it will only lead to more breakouts and clogged pores.

Moisturise Morning and Night

All of us have a “getting up” and a “just before bed routine”, and moisturising should be part of both. It is best to moisturise on clear skin, so just after the shower in the morning and just before bed at night (after you’ve removed everything else) are the best times.

Do not Touch Your Face

It is obvious the problems that excessively touching your face can cause. Not only will you smudge, spoil, and contaminate any products that are currently on your face, but touching your face will only make it oilier, irritate the skin, and lead to all the well-known issues that doing so can cause.

Exfoliate Twice a Week

One of the best ways to ensure youthful looking skin is to clear out all the skin that is literally dead. There is not much youthful looking about dead things – so you don’t want them on your skin. You can of course over-exfoliate, so twice a week is a good universal rule-of-thumb to follow.

Last Word

The modern world offers us more skincare opportunities than ever before, but an unfortunate side effect of this is that things can get pretty confusing. Yet by paying attention to the unique qualities of your own skin and by taking some time to settle on the right routine, optimal skincare can become a natural part of your daily life.