Six Home Remedies for Cough in Pregnancy & Three Ways to Boost Your Immune System

Falling ill in pregnancy really takes the fun out of things. The prospect of having to gulp down tablets appeals to none, and during pregnancy, the side effects of the medication have to be seriously accounted for. However, getting a cold or cough during pregnancy is nothing to worry about since your baby, according to reports, is sufficiently protected from being affected by it. However, the changes occurring in your body might affect the working pace of your immune system, and, thereby, worsen the symptoms of a cold. And since cough medications, such as Tylenol, have been linked to high increased risks for ADHD in children, taking just anyhow medications for cold, cough, or sneezing during pregnancy has to be carefully thought out.

Not to worry about, the home remedies we would be talking about or must have been suggested to you to help treat a cough and cold have good scientific reasoning behind them all. So, if you are a mom-to-be and are suffering from a cough, we would advise you to read on to find some effective home remedies to fight the nasty germs worrying you bad. Visit Eat Lift Mom site for more helpful tips about pregnancy.

1. Honey

Honey being first on our list is known to be universally accepted in treating cold and coughs. Honey acts as a cough suppressant, booths the immune system, and soothes sore throats. Also, Honey is easily available and tasty. So, if you are here and looking up on how to cure cough at home during pregnancy, we advise you, honey, a shot. Honey has been tried several times and the final result is that it helps and remains the best remedy for cold and coughs.

2. Water

Many people already know this, but remaining hydrated is especially important if you want to get rid of that cold, fast. During cold and cough, as laid out on high roller casinos the body loses more water than usual. Hence, drinking lots of warm water helps to prevent dehydration, and helps in decongestion, as well. Having clear broth or warm lemon water is also beneficial for this remedy.

3. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an important antioxidant that keeps the body healthy and strong. Every home shouldn’t be short of this. We advise our glamorous women out there to try to include more foods that are rich sources of this vitamin, in their daily diet during pregnancy. Try as much if not daily, at least twice in a week to take Citrus fruits in the likes of Oranges, Grapefruits, and Tangerines contain this vitamin; so do green vegetables, tomatoes, and strawberries.

4. Garlic

Garlic is an antioxidant and has been known to have antibacterial, antiviral, and antibiotic properties. According to scientific researches behind this, Allicin is a powerful antibacterial that is released after garlic is crushed and before it is heated. So, if you have a cold, eat some raw garlic. We know garlic might not be the best taste, but it will surely help in decongestion of your chest. To help with the raw taste, chop the garlic, mix in some honey, and have it. It is recommended to have this at least two to three times a day. Our women, whose husbands are love of soccer, should check out Gooner Republic today for No. 1 Stop on all things Arsenals and gooner news in general.

5. Gargle With Salty Water

Gargling with warm water has also proved to help reduce respiratory infections by 40%, according to Flaming Hairdryer. Saline solutions can draw excess fluid from inflamed tissues in the throat, making them hurt less. It also loosens mucus and removes allergens, bacteria, and fungus from the throat. Do this two to three times a day to see results.

6. Lemon

And finally in this chapter is Lemon. Vitamin C is abundant in lemon, which is a natural antioxidant that also has antiviral and antibacterial properties. Lemons are rich in potassium, which is important for proper kidney functioning. Kidneys flush out waste matters from the body, which further helps in getting rid of the cold. Also, Lemon is prescribed as one of the home remedies for cough and cold as simply because it also alkalinizes the body and further helps in dealing with cold viruses.

Ways to Boost Your Immune System to Prevent a Cold

According to the popular medical phrase, ‘Prevention is Better Than Cure’, this stands true especially during pregnancy more than ever. With a developing baby in your womb who relies on you for nourishment and care, strengthening your immune system which will lead to both you and your baby being healthier, should be top of your priority. With that in mind, here’s meilleurs jeux casino top three ways on how you can boost your immune system to help prevent problems like cold and cough, e.t.c.

1. Maintain Proper Hygiene

One of the main ways to strengthen your immune system is by keeping your hands clean especially now the world is in great turmoil. Our hands carry the most bacteria, which we are more likely to ingest when eating, cooking, or touching veggies and fruits. Make sure to wash your hands thoroughly, with soap and water, after touching public surfaces, coughing, sneezing, etc.

2. Take Multi-vitamins

Sometimes, the diet may not work fast enough or even adequately, to prevent diseases as one has planned for it too. In this case, the only thing to look out for is multi-vitamins which will give you your daily dose of nutrition and strengthen your immune system.

3. Stay Hydrated

There’s no way to stress this further other than to always keep water at your side at all times. Water carries oxygen to your cells and helps you build muscle and stay strong. It also flushes out toxins from your body, which could otherwise affect your system. Hence, make sure to drink enough water throughout the day.

Cold and cough are unpleasant but can be effectively treated at home. Keep away from over the counter medicines. Do seek a physician’s advice, if your illness escalates.