Do You Want to Change the Size of Your Breasts?

Breast augmentation is a surgical operation that improves the volume and form of the breasts for a variety of reasons, including:

  • A woman’s body shape can be improved if her breasts are significantly small.
  • To compensate for a loss of breast volume following pregnancy.
  • To compensate for a disproportionate breast size.

Cosmetic surgeons can expand a woman’s breast line by a few cup sizes. They do so by putting an implant behind the breasts. If you’re thinking about getting breast implants, this will offer you a clear overview of the surgery, including how it is performed and the kind of outcomes to expect. Keep in mind that it won’t be able to address all of your inquiries because so much depends on your unique situation.

Who are the Best Candidates?

Breast augmentation surgery is the best choice for those who want to improve their appearance as well as self-esteem. Consider your goals and communicate them with the cosmetic surgeon prior to deciding to get surgery. Women who want to improve their appearance are the greatest candidates for breast augmentation. You might be a suitable candidate if you’re fit and healthy and have realistic expectations.

What Are the Types of Breast Implants?

A breast implant consists of a shell of silicone that is infused with salt-water solution or silicone gel. Options are now available for women to choose either of the above mentioned implants. Both types of implants are freely available for all augmentation patients. Choose breast lift if you are satisfied with the size of your boobs, but they’re sagging.

Things to Consider Before the Procedure

Breast augmentation is a relatively safe procedure. However, there are dangers and unique issues linked with this technique, just as there are with every operation. Capsular contracture is the most prevalent issue, which happens when the bruise or capsule located near the implant starts to contract. The breast may feel rigid due to the pressure of the soft implant. This can be addressed in a variety of ways, including scar tissue excision as well as the elimination or substitution of the implant.

Some women experience changes in the sensation of the breasts, such as oversensitivity, under sensitivity, or numbness in their nipples. Tiny numbness patches may appear close to the incision site. However, these symptoms normally fade away with time. Here are some other things to consider prior to having the procedure:

  • it will interfere with breastfeeding
  • it will affect a woman’s health during pregnancy
  • breast implants can possibly leak

Getting Ready For Your Surgery

Your cosmetic surgeon will advise you on how to get ready for surgery. This includes avoiding tobacco products and what you should eat and drink. It also includes whether you need to take or abstain from particular supplements and medications. Make arrangements for someone to accompany you home following your surgery. A family or close friend needs to also be available to assist you during the recovery period.

Where Will Your Surgery Take Place?

The majority of breast augmentation surgeries are performed in an outpatient facility. In the cosmetic surgeon’s office, small surgical facilities are utilized for minor procedures.

The Procedure

The procedure for placing and adjusting your implant will be determined by the advice of your surgeon and breast anatomy. The surgical site might be done around the areola. It may also be completed in the fold located where the chest joins the breast. Every attempt will be done to ensure that the surgical incision is performed in such a way that the bruises that follow are as unnoticeable as possible.

Following the Procedure

After your breast augmentation, you’ll probably feel fatigued and uncomfortable for a few days. However, you will feel significantly better within two days. The majority of your soreness can be managed with medicine that your surgeon has prescribed.

If you have gauze dressings, the cosmetic surgeon will remove them within a few days. You may also be provided with a surgical bra, which should be worn according to your surgeon’s instructions. For at least two weeks, your nipples may have a burning feeling, but this will lessen as the bruising subsides.

Your stitches will be removed within ten days. However, it can take up to five weeks before the swelling of your breasts dissipates.