10 Tips for Traveling with Your Dog

If you feel overwhelmed and exhausted, it’s worth changing scenery. Traveling is one of the best remedies to a wide range of issues. You can enhance its positive impact by taking your furry buddy with you if you have a strong bond. Many people are afraid to travel with pets because such a step seems too complicated and stressful, but it’s not the case if you know essential tips and tricks. Of course, such an idea may require additional preparation, reading a taste of the wild dog food review, and stuff, but you will neither worry about your four-legged friend nor reach out to your pet sitter every hour to find out whether everything is okay there. If you take care of the key moments, you will get the best traveling experience ever.

1.Check out your dog’s health

The thing is that moving away from home can be a stressful experience for your pet. Thus, it’s important to visit a vet and make all the checkouts to make sure your dog can become your travel buddy. It’s especially true for animals that have some chronic health issues. Besides, it will not be superfluous to check out whether your pet has all the required vaccines, especially if you choose a getaway with a different climate and stuff.

2. Update microchip info

Any travel has a likelihood of unforeseen circumstances. Statistics say that about twelve million pets are lost and stolen in the USA annually. Nonetheless, you will have higher chances to reunite with it if you microchip it. Thus, wherever you go, it will not be superfluous to do it beforehand. If you have already taken care of microchipping, it’s worth verifying all the info to ensure that all data are updated. Besides, you may consider using a collar with contact info.

3. Pick up a suitable travel carrier

Despite the breed, you should take care of a well-ventilated carrier for your furry buddy. It should have the right size so your pet can lay and comfortably turn around in it. Don’t forget to mark the carrier with your contact info and your dog’s photo. You should be ready for everything if you have to leave your pet somewhere for a while. If you know that your pet will have to spend a prolonged time in the carrier, provide it with bedding. Traveling by car, make sure to secure the crate to avoid shifting or sliding in the case of an accident or abrupt stops.

4. Don’t treat your dog to sedatives

Some people believe that it’s a great way to make a dog stay calm during traveling, but it must be the last resort. In most cases, it is enough to stay more patient with a pet and use body language and tone of voice to help a furry friend calm down and reduce stress. Besides, you can take its favorite CBD dog treats, toys or bedding to help it feel better.

5. Stay positive

Pets have a wonderful ability to determine your mood and feel all the changes, so if you want your travel buddy to get rid of anxiety, you should become its role model. Don’t leave your pet alone for too long in a car or any unfamiliar place. Once again, don’t forget about the body language and magical abilities of your voice. If you are confident and calm, your dog will follow your example.

6. Walk your dog more often

If you want to avoid unpleasant situations, it’s worth walking your furry friend more often. Small breaks on the way to the destination will help your pet feel more relaxed. Besides, it will be useful to exercise it a bit after a long trip and staying in the same position. Just bear in mind that new surroundings can make it get excited, so you should take care of its safety.

7. Develop a small routine

Traveling goes beyond your usual schedule. However, while a person benefits from changing scenery, a dog may get nervous. Thus, it’s important to develop a small routine with your furry friend. For instance, you can feed it and walk at certain hours, so it can feel safer and calmer despite new surroundings. Your routine will be the only stable thing.

8. Take enough water from home

When you hit the road and move far away from home, it is worth taking care of a water supply. It’s better to take exactly the water your dog drinks all the time because if you treat your pet to water from an unfamiliar source, it may cause an upset stomach. Even if you take bottled water in a store, mix it with a small amount of your home water to prevent unpleasant situations.

9. Grab a travel kit

Your furry friend should have its backpack with all the required items. It should necessarily contain food, water, bowls, medications, leash, first-aid things, and travel documents. Having such a travel kit will help you avoid unnecessary worries and provide your four-legged friend with all the required items.

10. Develop an entertainment program

Since you travel together with your furry friend, it’s worth taking care of its leisure as well. Search for dog-friendly activities on the way to your destination. Allocate time to visit a local dog park and provide your pet with a chance to play with others. It will help your travel buddy decrease anxiety and stay much happier.