Look and Feel Your Best With a Mommy Makeover

Women experience many body changes that cause an array of aesthetic concerns following pregnancy, childbearing, and breastfeeding.

From excess skin and weakened muscles to sagging, deflated breasts and stubborn fat, these inevitable changes can take a toll on a woman’s ability to appreciate her body.

A Mommy Makeover can effectively address these changes and more to restore a contoured and attractive body. The combination surgery comprises a set of procedures that include breast enhancement and abdominal contouring, though additional procedures may be performed depending on the unique needs and goals of the patient.

The most common procedures include breast augmentation and/or lift, tummy tuck, and liposuction.

Determining Candidacy for a Mommy Makeover Surgery

Most women are considered good candidates for the procedure if they are done having children, are close to their ideal weight, and have realistic expectations of the procedure’s outcome. Ideal candidates should also be in good overall health.

Following a thorough examination and open discussion about your needs and medical history, your surgeon will be able to determine if the procedure is in your best interest and whether it can achieve your precise cosmetic goals.

How Is the Mommy Makeover Procedure Performed?

Every Mommy Makeover surgery is unique, depending on the specific aesthetic concerns that a patient wishes to address. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia and could take anywhere between two to six hours, depending on the extent and number of procedures to be performed.

Mommy Makeover Recovery

Since a Mommy Makeover is a highly customized procedure, recovery time will vary. One of the major benefits of combining procedures is you only need to prepare for a single recovery.

Most patients typically plan for two weeks off to rest, relax, and recuperate from home. After your surgery, you will return home with bandages and compression garments to reduce swelling and promote the healing process. Light walking is encouraged to prevent blood clots. It’s essential to arrange for someone to stay with you during the initial days of recovery as you won’t be able to lift anything for a while, including young children.

Swelling and bruising are some of the expected side effects of the surgery, but these should dissipate as recovery progresses. Most patients may require up to six weeks to comfortably return to exercise and normal activities.

Ultimately, if you want to have a successful Mommy Makeover recovery, you must ensure you follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions and get plenty of rest. At this point, the results of your Mommy Makeover surgery will be apparent and will continue to improve as the residual swelling subsides.

Reclaim Your Pre-Baby Body

If post-pregnancy body changes have reduced your self-confidence, you’re not alone. A Mommy Makeover in Dallas is a versatile and remarkably comprehensive procedure that can help you look and feel your absolute best. It might be just what you need to restore your full confidence.